Inspiration for your credit management

To deal with the rapid changes affecting your credit management, you try to keep up with the latest developments.

We are happy to help you with that. We choose the most instructive news and initiatives for you in order to inspire you to strengthen your credit management.

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12 June 2023


Het woord ‘werkkapitaal’ zegt het zelf: het is het ‘kapitaal’ dat (de middelen die) je als ondernemer toelaat (toelaten) om te ‘werken’, om je dagelijkse financiële verplichtingen te voldoen, om leveranciers te betalen, lonen uit te keren, enz

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04 May 2023

AI in Credit Risk as a driver for customer centricity

Artificial intelligence is no longer absent from the news: chatGPT and what its impact may be, at least prompts thought. What about artificial intelligence in credit management: what concrete applications already exist and will the credit manager soon be an endangered species? Together with Marc Brems (BASF), we explored how artificial intelligence in credit risk can bring you closer to your customer.

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